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Understanding the Three Types of Hearing Loss: A Guide for Families

Did you know that most Deaf and hard-of-hearing children are born to hearing parents? Most of these families report never having any experience with hearing loss. It can be challenging to navigate the journey towards better hearing. This blog post aims to shed light on the three primary types of hearing loss and offer actionable steps to help families as they begin their journey.

Types of Hearing Loss

Conductive Hearing Loss

Conductive hearing loss primarily stems from issues in the outer or middle ear that make it difficult for the transmission of sound waves to the inner ear. This type of hearing loss often results from:

  • Earwax blockage: Excessive earwax can accumulate in the ear canal, blocking sound waves from entering the ear.

  • Otitis media (ear infection): Inflammation or infection in the middle ear can lead to conductive hearing loss, especially in children.

  • Eardrum perforation: A ruptured eardrum can affect the ear's ability to transmit sound vibrations to the inner ear.

Sensorineural Hearing Loss

Sensorineural hearing loss, the most common type, occurs when there is damage to the inner ear or the auditory nerve. This type of hearing loss can be caused by various factors, including:

  • Aging: Age-related hearing loss affects many individuals as they grow older.

  • Noise exposure: Prolonged exposure to loud noises, whether from work, recreational activities, or personal listening devices, can damage the delicate hair cells in the inner ear.

  • Genetics: Some families may carry genetic mutations that make them more susceptible to sensorineural hearing loss.

  • Illnesses and medications: Certain illnesses, such as meningitis disease and CMV, and ototoxic medications can cause sensorineural hearing loss.

Mixed Hearing Loss

Mixed hearing loss is a combination of conductive and sensorineural hearing loss. This type of hearing loss occurs when there is damage both in the outer or middle ear and the inner ear or auditory nerve. Common causes of mixed hearing loss include:

  • Chronic ear infections: Repeated ear infections can lead to conductive hearing loss, while untreated or severe infections may result in sensorineural hearing loss.

  • Trauma: Head injuries or severe accidents can cause damage to the auditory system at multiple levels, resulting in mixed hearing loss.

Coping with Hearing Loss as a Family

Understanding the three types of hearing loss is just the beginning. Learning how to navigate hearing loss as a family involves a collective effort to support your loved one and create an environment that fosters effective communication and inclusivity.

Educate and Raise Awareness

Education is the first step. Learn about the type of hearing loss your child is experiencing, technology options, and communication modalities. By understanding the type and degree of hearing loss, you can be fully informed when making decisions.

Open Communication Channels

Effective communication among all parties is key when navigating an unknown space. Encourage open conversations within the family, and provide opportunities for all to express their feelings, needs, and concerns.

Emotional Support

Hearing loss can be emotionally challenging, and your family member may experience feelings of isolation, frustration, or depression. Offer emotional support and let them know that you are there for them.

Check out our free handout that includes valuable information about the types of hearing loss.


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