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Using Wait Time to Build Language at Home

Stop, wait a minute! ✋🏾

You meant that caregivers do not have to narrate or talk 24/7?!?!

Silence can be golden in therapy! Silence is uncomfortable. I know that I use to feel like I had to fill the space (still working on this).

When coaching parents, one of the first strategies we teach is model, model, model. However, if we are constantly modeling, we are not allowing the child time to respond or engage with what we have said.

Additionally, it can become overwhelming and our input can start to sound like Charlie Brown's Teacher (whomp whomp whomp). 👎🏾

Every time we repeat ourselves, a child's processing of the input starts all over again.

Instead of repeating yourself, pause and wait and give a look to let your child know you're waiting for a response.


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